
Showing posts from July, 2020

Full Stack Interview Questions and Answers for Beginners

Full Stack Interview Questions and Answers for Beginners What is Full Stack development? Ans.   Full Stack development involves developing both front end and back end of the web application/website at the same time. This process includes three layers: Presentation layer (frontend part responsible for user experience)  Business logic layer (backend part refers to the server-side of the application) Database layer Q2. Explain Pair Programming. Ans.   As the name suggests, Pair Programming is where two programmers share a single workstation. Formally, one programmer at the keyboard called the "driver" writes the code. The other programmer is the "navigator" views each line of the code written, spell check, and proofread it. Also, programmers will swap their roles every few minutes and vice-versa. Q3. What is CORS? Ans.    Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a process that utilizes additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to provide a web a

Top React JS Interview Questions (Updated - 2020)

Top React JS Interview Questions (Updated - 2020) Q1: What is React? Ans.   React   is a front-end JavaScript library that mainly follows the component-based approach for building a user interface (UI) components for a single page application. It is also used for handling the view layer in both mobile and web apps. Moreover, react plays a crucial role in developing interactive mobile and web UIs. It was created and developed by Jordan Walke; it was deployed first on the Facebook newsfeed in 2011. Q2: Why React is used? Ans:   The following reasons make one to use React for building User Interfaces (UI), and they are: Easy to learn nature Simplicity High scalability Increase performance Also Read:   Full Stack Developer Interview Questions Q3: How React works? Ans.   Below is the sequence of steps which gives an idea about how does react work Firstly the react runs the diffing algorithm to identify the changes that are made in the virtual DOM. Next step is rec